miércoles, 29 de abril de 2020

Fin de Curso

Hola a todos,
Al fin han publicado las instrucciones para el fin de curso en las EEOOII. Podéis ver los puntos más destacados en este documento.

Para resolver posibles dudas (y tratar otros asuntos) estaré a vuestra disposición en una vídeo conferencia hoy miércoles a las 18:00 horas a través de la plataforma 8X8 (para entrar en la vídeo conferencia, entrad en el link desde GClassroom o el email con esta misma información).

Os proporcionaré está información a través de varios medios (GClassroom, email y Blog) para asegurarme de que os llega a todos. 

miércoles, 22 de abril de 2020

C1.2 | Homework for 20th - 24th April (part 2)

  • Student's book: Developing conversation (p. 63), exercises 8 and 9 (answers here)
  • Search online for information about one of the Ig Nobel prizes for any given year. Record yourself (approx. 2 min) explaining what the research is about and what you think about it.  Try and use one of the expressions from DEVELOPING CONVERSATIONS (p. 63). Send your recording via email (unless you do the exercise through Google Class). Due date: Sunday 26th April)

lunes, 20 de abril de 2020

C1.2 | Homework (20th - 24th April)

Unit 7 - Science and Research

  • Warm-up (alternative to p. 61 in your Student's book): Listening - The LHC. You can answer in the Google Classroom form (here) OR in Word (here); you can watch/download the video here. (If you can, I'd rather you answered in the Google form).
  • Student's Book
    • VOCABULARY: Talking about science (p.62), Exercise 1: replace the words and phrases in italics (answer key)
    • LISTENING, exercise 6 (you've got all the audio tracks in the Class DVD_Rom); check your answers with the Audio Script on p. 203.

Back to work

Hola a todos,
Hoy retomamos las clases de C1.2 y para ello he creado un curso en Google Classroom al que podréis acceder a través de la invitación que os ha debido de llegar a vuestro email  (el que proporcionasteis cuando os matriculasteis) o con una clave (si no os ha llegado pedídmela a través de email)

Por favor hacedme si tenéis algún problema para acceder a la plataforma..

Seguiré usando el Blog para subir lo mismo que en Google Classroom hasta que me asegure de que podéis acceder al aula virtual sin problemas.

El sistema de trabajo será el siguiente: cada lunes subiré el trabajo para esa semana, estad atentos porque algunas tareas tendrán una fecha límite de entrega (normalmente el viernes de esa misma semana)

martes, 7 de abril de 2020

C1.2 | Remember the book I asked you to read?

I've obviously had to change my plans for the book you have read.  The original idea was for us to have a book club session in class and exchange opinions about the book you read.

What I'm asking you to do now is to record yourselves explaining why the book you read is so good (or bad) and whether you'd recommend it (or not) to other readers.

Your recording should be approximately 2 minutes long.

The recording, which you'll send to my email address, will be part of your overall assessment.

To help you with the vocabulary and expressions you can do exercises 2, 3 and 5 in Unit 5: It came highly recommended (pp. 48-49) in your Student's Book. [Answer key here]

Deadline: Tuesday 14th April.

P.S. If you haven't read any book this year, you can talk about any book you've read.

C1.2 | Writing

Do the exercises in Unit 8 of your Writing and Vocabulary Booklet: A Discursive Essay (answer KEY here) and write your essay in 180-200 words. Send your essays to my email address.
Deadline: Tuesday 14th April

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